10 Natural Remedies for Menopause

When it comes to searching for natural remedies for menopause, you will often find yourself wondering out loud if what is being suggested is based in any kind of fact or is it entirely a figment of your imagination. There are so many different ailments and issues to contend with that it can then become rather complex and tricky to work out what you need to do to help combat these issues.

However, what we are about to do is to offer you 10 different natural remedies for menopause that we know to work. This is due to scientific research on the different remedies, and while we cannot guarantee the extent to which it works for you, there should be at least some improvement.


natural remedies for menopause

Natural Remedies for Menopause Symptoms.


With the 10 natural remedies for menopause symptoms that follow, remember that you may need to try them for an extended period of time before feeling a change. However, the key is in not giving up.


cbt for menopause

Before we go into herbal remedies or supplements, let’s throw something a bit different into the mix and mention CBT. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy will prove to be effective in helping with the feelings of anxiety and low mood that often strike with menopause. Having greater control over your mind and thoughts will make a significant difference even though it does require some work on your part.

There are some studies that indicate CBT may even be capable of helping with hot flushes but that is still being studied so we wouldn’t recommend using CBT for that particular issue.


soy as a remedy

When talking about soy, what we are specifically meaning is soy in some kind of milk form. The reason why this is so good is because we are talking about plant estrogen, which is also called phytoestrogen. This is not as strong as the estrogen you would receive from HRT, but it has been shown to be effective in offering some relief from menopausal symptoms in some women. It is particularly good at helping with night sweats and as a natural remedy for menopausal hot flashes.


flaxseed as a natural remedy

The reason why flaxseed is so good for you is that it is crammed full of Omega-3 fatty acids. This is great for your brain and providing you with a greater sense of clarity in your thoughts. You may have noticed that you suffer from brain fog and concentration issues, but this is going to make a difference. It also contains something called lignans and they are believed to also act as a form of phytoestrogen. As well as helping your brain, there is some evidence that it will help with hot flashes as well.

Vitamin E.

vitamin e as remedy for manopause

When we talk about Vitamin E, we are also referring to Evening Primrose Oil. This is going to be perfect for helping with your skin which is going through a substantial amount of changes including a tendency to suffer from extreme dryness. While taking a Vitamin E supplement will help, you may also want to consider Vitamin E oil and apply it to your skin. There are some studies that show this can be applied topically to the vagina to help with dryness.


yoga during menopause

The reason why yoga is so good is that it is both a form of exercise as well as a type of meditation all rolled into one. Both exercise and meditation are beneficial to you during menopause because the stretching will not only help keep your body healthy, but by calming your mind it can help with mood swings and anxiety. Also, you can expect your sleep to improve as a direct result as sleep disruption is a major menopause symptom.



There is an increasing amount of evidence that appears to show that chasteberry can be an effective remedy for some menopausal symptoms. It is linked to helping balance out hormone levels and even though the difference may only be slight, it is still going to make you feel better. It is also seen as being safer for more women than black cohosh which will come as a relief to many.


ginseng for menopause supplement

Ginseng has been used as a natural remedy for a number of conditions for generations. Medical research has shown is that it may be helpful in dealing with a number of different conditions linked to the menopause including hot flashes, mood swings, offering relief to depression, and even vaginal dryness.


Increase Fiber Intake.

increase fiber intake

It’s advisable for you to go ahead and increase your fiber intake and this is something that you should consider doing by looking more closely at your diet. You are likely to suffer from various digestive issues during this time, so fiber can help settle down those problems. Not only that but studied have indicated it can help with the production of estrogen as well as resulting in less weight gain and better cholesterol levels.

Drinking Water.

drinking water for menopause remedy

It is absolutely essential that you drink 8 glasses of water per day during this period of your life. Staying hydrated is going to help alleviate a number of menopausal symptoms and it has also been linked to a reduction in hot flashes, night sweats and reducing the level of bloating. Those symptoms are often rather troubling for women, and then we go into how being even slightly dehydrated puts stress on your body which is already under so much stress on its own.

Using Cold-Pressed Oils.

using cold pressed oil

Using cold-pressed oils in your cooking will mean you are getting some healthy fats into your diet while the entire thing can still be controlled by you. These healthy fats have been linked to promoting your metabolism, reducing inflammation and form a key building block for hormone production. Also, they can prevent as much weight gain so you will feel better about yourself in a whole host of ways.

The 10 natural remedies for menopause mentioned above have all worked for some women. As we said at the outset, we cannot guarantee that things will completely transform how you feel, but there’s little doubt that they can help.

What you are best to do is to look at trying as many of them as possible and then be prepared to potentially tweak the remedies and try them over an extended period of time. This is not an overnight cure, but by taking more control over your symptoms, you will quickly discover that menopause may not be as bad as you feared.

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