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Maintaining Lutein intake levels can reduce age-related eye disorders

Maintaining Lutein intake levels can reduce age-related eye disorders

Puberty is not the only stage of the life of a person in which the body goes through deep changes. By age 50, and as we get closer to our 60th birthday, we start feeling the weight of the years in our bodies. The bad habits we had begin to take their toll and our senses don’t feel as sharp as they used to b
Good Lifestyle Ideas of the Healthiest Mature Adults

Good Lifestyle Ideas of the Healthiest Mature Adults

We are all going to grow old, there is no getting around this fact. However, the good news is that we can grow old without having to deal with the many health care issues that seniors are forced to endure because of the bad habits adopted during their youth. By implementing a few simple habits.
Big Problems Caused by Vitamin Deficiencies in 40 +

Big Problems Caused by Vitamin Deficiencies in 40 +

Nutrients and vitamins are like an army that help to fight against age related conditions. The most effective way to build this army is to take the right vitamins and consume a healthy diet. Once you reach age 40, the body no longer works in the same way it did when you were 20. The risk of chronic diseases.
The Perfect Combination of Supplements and Yoga For Over 45s.

The Perfect Combination of Supplements and Yoga For Over 45s.

Several healthcare experts recommend that middle aged people take part in yoga because of its many benefits including slowing down the aging process, improved quality of sleep, alleviates anxiety and depression, reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack, and much more. 
Aging: How to Avoid Gastrointestinal Problems.

Aging: How to Avoid Gastrointestinal Problems.

Do you seem to be suffering from more gastrointestinal problems as you get older? Well, you aren’t alone but there’s a simple way of dealing with that problem.
7 Effective Vitamins for Menopause

7 Effective Vitamins for Menopause

Becoming aware of the best vitamins that help you to feel comfortable and active during the menopause is clearly something that every woman should know about before they get to this stage of life. Menopause can be comfortable and easy if you take the right vitamins to support yourself. However, it’s not as easy as just.
Supplements That Promote Flexibility and Mobility in Old Age

Supplements That Promote Flexibility and Mobility in Old Age

It was once believed that problems with flexibility and mobility were a natural part of the aging process. However, this is not the case, as research has discovered that much of the factors associated with aging are as a result of inactivity, medical experts also believe that increased mobility.
Strengthening the Immune System With Supplements

Strengthening the Immune System With Supplements

Now that you are older, do you experience sickness more now than you did when you were younger? And when you do get ill, does it take you longer to recover? If you have found this to be true, its because your immune system loses its ability to fight against disease as you age. In the same way you are unable to run.
Best Immune Booster Supplements For Aged People

Best Immune Booster Supplements For Aged People

As the body ages, its organs no longer work the way they did when we were younger. Therefore, in order to keep healthy, older people must do more to ensure that their immune system remains strong. Seniors are more susceptible to illnesses such as bacterial pneumonia, elderly influenza, elderly skin infection.
What Causes Low Energy in Men at 60?

What Causes Low Energy in Men at 60?

Due to a busy and hectic lifestyle, and the general pressures of life, all men go through phases where they don’t have the energy to do much but sl...
Curcumin Supplements – Products, Benefits, Dosage and Potential Side Effects

Curcumin Supplements – Products, Benefits, Dosage and Potential Side Effects

Turmeric is a well-known spice across the globe; however, it is also a very powerful health supplement. It belongs to the plant family of Zingiberaceae and is made up of a chemical substance called curcumin. It is this substance that gives turmeric its yellow coloring. 
Health Benefits of Coconut Oil For Ageing

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil For Ageing

Everybody wants to slow down their biological clock, and even turn back the hands of time. Research has found that "anti-ageing” is one of the most popular search terms in google. What gives you the impression that a person is “not ageing” or “ageing gracefully?” Is it because of her smooth and supple skin?