Good Lifestyle Ideas of the Healthiest Mature Adults

We are all going to grow old, there is no getting around this fact. However, the good news is that we can grow old without having to deal with the many health care issues that seniors are forced to endure because of the bad habits adopted during their youth. By implementing a few simple habits, you can live a healthy life well into your senior years. In this article you are going to learn some ideas and tips for good health in aged people, as well as diet and supplements for good health in aged

Ideas and Tips for Good Health in Aged People

In this section you will learn about ideas and tips for good health in aged people:

ideas to stay fit in older ages
  • Exercise: Regardless of age, exercise is essential for a healthy lifestyle. However, it becomes even more important with age. Regular exercise improves your flexibility, balance, strength and endurance. You should engage in endurance or aerobic exercise to increase flexibility, improve balance and strengthen muscles. You should aim to complete a minimum of 150 minutes of exercise each week. If you are new to physical activity, choose something that you enjoy and build up to 150 minutes per week. 

  • Get Plenty of Sleep: Older people find it difficult getting to sleep and staying asleep throughout the night. Not only can this lead to you feeling grumpy and tired during the day, it can also have a detrimental affect on your health. To get a good night’s sleep, drink a warm cup of milk or chamomile tea before going to bed, get into a bedtime routine by having a bath or reading a book, avoid caffeine in the evenings, stop eating at least two hours before going to bed and keep your room as dark as possible by adding extra curtains or wearing a face mask.
exercise in older ages
  • Go to the Doctors Often: Your main aim during old age is not to get sick; however, things such as hearing and eyesight loss are common problems during old age. As well as for other conditions, visit your doctor often to have your hearing and eyesight checked. If changes in your eyesight and hearing are picked up early, your doctor can correct any changes before they start to deteriorate. 

  • Socialize With Friends and Family: It is well known that older people suffer from loneliness especially if they are single or divorced. They will often isolate themselves from friends and family members and refuse to participate in hobbies and activities they once used to enjoy. It is essential that you maintain social connections with those closest to you, not only does it prevent you from feeling lonely, but it is also good for your health. When people are isolated, they spend their time worrying and anxious about the future, this causes cortisol to be released into the body which leads to cardiovascular problems and a host of other health issues. On the other hand, socializing releases feel good hormones such as dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin which are all good for your physical and mental well-being. 

Diets and Supplements for Good Health in Aged

  • Healthy Eating: As you age, your body starts to need fewer calories and require more nutrients. Therefore, you should be eating nutrient-dense food that are high in minerals and vitamins, these include the following:
  • healthy eating
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Seafood, eggs, poultry and lean meats
  • Seeds, beans and nuts
  • Low-fat or fat-free cheese, milk, or rice milk or soy fortified with calcium and vitamin D
  • Whole grains like brown rice, brown bread and oatmeal
  • As well as eating more of the right foods, you should also consume less of the wrong foods, these include the following:

    • White bread, pasta and rice 
    • Foods made from shortening and butter
    • Sugar, sweetened desserts and drinks that contain added sugar

    • Fish Oil: There are a number of health benefits associated with taking fish oil, it contains omega 3 fatty acids which helps to combat high triglycerides and eliminate dry skin and eyes. They also help to fight depression, prostate cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. 
    fish oil
    • Probiotics: Probiotics are organisms that play an important role in the digestion process. Probiotics are typically found in dairy products; however, if you are allergic to dairy, you can take a probiotic supplement. 

    • Calcium: Again, calcium is readily available in dairy products; but you can also take it as a supplement. As we age, it becomes harder for the body to absorb calcium which is why it is important to take a supplement to ensure you are getting the right amounts.

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