Curcumin Supplements – Products, Benefits, Dosage and Potential Side Effects

Turmeric is a well-known spice across the globe; however, it is also a very powerful health supplement. It belongs to the plant family of Zingiberaceae and is made up of a chemical substance called  curcumin. It is this substance that gives turmeric its yellow coloring. 

turmeric supplements for old age

Curcumin supplements have grown in popularity over recent years, so why is it that the healthcare industry has developed such a high opinion of this product? In this article, you will learn what are the health benefits of turmeric, the best turmeric supplement on the market, how long does it take for turmeric to work, and what are the side effects associated with taking this supplement. 

What is Curcumin?

What is curcumin? The general assumption is that turmeric and curcumin are the same, but this is not the case. Curcumin is the primary curcuminoid in the turmeric plant, they belong to a class of organic chemical compound called diarylheptanoids, which consist of two aromatic rings joined by a chain of seven carbon atoms. Their most distinctive characteristic is the bold yellow color that they produce.

what is curcumin

While curcuminoids are soluble in organic compounds such as alcohols and ketones, their solubility in lipids are very poor thereby making them unsuitable for use as drugs by themselves. Therefore, they need to be combined with compounds such as surfactants in order to make them effective as drugs.

What is the Curcumin Supplement?

curcumin supplements

A curcumin supplement is available either in tablet, capsule or powder form. The main distributors of curcumin supplements are Longvida, Jarrow Formulas, Doctor’s Best, NovaSOL and Theracurmin, with each claim to have an edge over the others thanks to an “additional ingredient” in their turmeric pills that boosts curcumin’s benefits. Additionally, some companies claim to have come up with a turmeric substitute, though such claims are dubious at best.


The Benefits of Curcumin

health benefits of curcumin

There are several benefits associated with curcumin. It is excellent for inflammation, making it a beneficial treatment for arthritis. Research has also discovered that it can help to prevent a variety of cancers such as prostate, colon and skin cancer. Due to its high antioxidant content it is a powerful pain reliever and helps to eliminate acne. Turmeric is also believed to assist in weight loss. 

Curcumin also helps to alleviate mental conditions such as Alzheimer’s. One of the biggest consumers of turmeric in this world is India, and it’s also a country with some of the least cases of Alzheimer’s disease

health benefits of turmeric

Additionally, it is beneficial for depression, be it a mild case or even major depressive disorder (MDD). Research suggests that there is a link between inflammation and depression. It is not clear if the former causes the latter, or vice versa, but there is certainly a positive correlation between them. 

How Much Curcumin Should I Take?

amount of curcumin one should take

The ideal amount for consumption depends on your particular case. Before we get into that, it is worth noting the difference between natural and synthetic sources of curcumin.

Relying on natural sources will provide you with a lower dosage of curcumin in comparison to the synthetic version. For instance, your average diet will provide you with 500-2,000 milligrams of curcumin per day, while an extract will provide you with 1,900-2,375 milligrams.

turmeric dosage

The World Health Organization (WHO) has outlined a suitable daily intake of 1.4 milligrams per pound of bodyweight. If you are suffering from diseases which necessitate the use of curcumin, then you will need to consume amounts that will assist in eradicating that specific ailment. For example, if you are suffering from osteoarthritis, you need to take 500 milligrams of turmeric powder twice a day for 2-3 months. If it’s high cholesterol, then you will need to consume 700 milligrams twice a day for three months. If the regular pill form of curcumin or turmeric supplement does not agree with you, you will need to get your dosage through foods such as curry, American mustard and turmeric tea.

How Does it Work?

curcumin works

All drugs work in a specific way by manipulating biological functions within the body. Curcumin works by reducing inflammation. The body is made up of a variety of pathways that enable different signals to be transferred from one part of the body to the other. Curcumin inhibits a set of cell signalling pathways that are responsible for inducing inflammations.


Curcumin/Turmeric Side Effects

side effects of turmeric

Although curcumin is a natural product, there are several side effects associated with its use. As with any product, it is essential that you consume curcumin/turmeric in moderation to avoid the negative consequences associated with overuse. While reports of serious side effects are rare, users have reported experiencing the following: 

  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Diarrhoea
  • Blood thinning which leads to easy bleeding
  • In one extreme case, a person who consumed over 1,500 milligrams of turmeric twice per day began suffering from abnormal heart rhythms.

side effects of turmeric on body

Therefore, it is necessary to regulate your dosage, and contact a physician if you experience any of the above symptoms.

Where Can You Buy Curcumin Supplements?

turmeric supplements gold banner

Now that you have a good understanding of curcumin, you might want to consider purchasing some supplements. There are several manufacturers that sell the product; however, some are better than others. One of the best curcumin supplement manufacturers is Theracurmin, NovaSOL and Longvida, they have received many positive reviews for their products. You can either purchase them from your local drugstore, or they are available online. 

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