Strengthening the Immune System With Supplements

Now that you are older, do you experience sickness more now than you did when you were younger? And when you do get ill, does it take you longer to recover? If you have found this to be true, its because your immune system loses its ability to fight against disease as you age. In the same way you are unable to run as fast as you could when you were in your 20’s is the same way your immune system no longer works the way it used to. It’s not really that much of an issue and it’s not anything you need to worry about, but it is important that you are aware so that you can take the necessary precautions to protect yourself. If you want to know why does the immune system deteriorates with old age and what supplements to use to strengthen it, keep reading.

 immune strengthen

Why Does the Immune System Deteriorate With Old Age? 

The immune system is a complex network of organs, tissues and cells. They work together defend the body against anything that will cause infection such as bacteria. The medical community is still trying to work out why does the immune system deteriorates with old age, but what the experts do know is that the majority of older people:

  • Do Not Have a Positive Reaction to Vaccines: The immune system is made up of T-cells, they attack other cells that cause illness. They are also capable of remembering invaders and then defending the body better if they show up again later. As the body ages it produces less T cells and the majority of vaccines only work with new ones. The only exception to this is the shingles vaccine, seniors do appear to have a good response to this. 
  • Will Get Sick More Often: As you age, you have less immune cells, and the immune cells you do have, don’t work as well with eachother as efficiently. This means that when harmful germs attack the body, they take longer to react. 
  • Recover From Illnesses, Infection and Injuries Slower: The body also produces less white blood cells as we age, and this slows down the healing process. 

immunity weak

What Supplements to Use to Strengthen it?

Taking supplements are a good start when it comes to strengthening your immune system; however, if you have got poor health in general, they will be of no benefit to you. Here are some things you can do to strengthen your immune system:

  • Sleep Well: Poor quality sleep or not enough sleep has a negative effect on the immune system, this is true even in young healthy people. You should aim to get a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night. If you find it difficult getting to sleep, staying asleep or you snore, see you doctor because there is a possibility that you might have a sleep disorder. 

sleep well

  • Stay Away From Sick People: When you are older, it is essential that you are careful about exposing yourself to germs because there is a high chance that you will also become sick. It is also important that you stay away from people who are suffering from contagious illness such as the flu or cold, don’t get too close to them and spend more time washing your hands. 
  • Exercise: You don’t need to join a gym to exercise but taking a brisk walk or a jog every day will do wonders for your immune system. Studies have found that exercise helps the cells to move more freely which enables them to do their job better. 

old age exercise

  • A Healthy Diet: There is no specific diet that will improve your immunity, but research suggests that a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables will help the immune system to function at its best. 
  • Stop Smoking: If you don’t smoke, this doesn’t apply to you; however, if you do, it is advised that you quit as soon as possible because smoking weakens the immune system which makes you susceptible to infection and illnesses. Your doctor will be able to better advise you on the best way to kick the habit. 

stop smoking

  • Get Your Vaccines: This might sound a bit counterproductive because vaccines don’t work as well when you are older. However, they are still capable of lowering your chances of catching serious illnesses such as pneumonia and the flu. Get in touch with your doctor to make sure that you are up to date with all your vaccines. 
  • Supplements: Supplements that contain zinc, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, selenium, echinacea and magnesium will assist in boosting your immune system. Taking nutritional supplements are an easy and convenient way to ensure that you get the vitamins and minerals you need to maintain a healthy immune system. However, if you are taking any other medications, it is essential that you speak with your health care provider before taking any supplements.

supplements for old age

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