7 Effective Vitamins for Menopause

While there does appear to be a number of apparent treatments or approaches that can help with certain aspects of menopause, we want to focus on one thing only and that’s vitamins. Vitamins for menopause offer you a safe way to take some control over your symptoms and make you feel as if you are more human once more, and that must sound pretty good to you.

Of course, the problem we all face is that there are so many different minerals, vitamins and supplements out there that you can be forgiven for not knowing what to do next. However, those days are behind you because we are here to help when it comes to vitamins for tiredness and lack of energy.

vitamins for menopause

How to Choose Vitamins for Menopause.

What we are about to do is to make your life easier when it comes to knowing how to choose vitamins for menopause. Then, we will list 7 vitamins that we believe to be key to helping with a whole host of those rather troublesome menopause symptoms.

Paying Attention to Your Symptoms.

menopause symptoms

One of the first things to mention is the need to pay attention to your symptoms. Understand which symptoms are troubling you the most and then start to identify which vitamins are going to be the best at helping you in those areas.

You really do need to be aware of your symptoms to narrow down what you should take. However, the vitamins that we are about to mention will help you in a number of ways at the one time.

Vitamin A.

vitamin a

Vitamin A is important for us when it comes to our immune system, but it is also helpful when it comes to helping us to look after our skin. It is more of a supportive vitamin across your entire body rather than doing anything that is too specific in nature. However, as it also helps to protect our bones it does mean that it can reduce the chances of developing things such as osteoporosis as we move through the menopause.

Vitamin B6.

vitamin b6

Vitamin B6 is another important vitamin when it comes to helping you deal with the menopause. This vitamin is known for being able to increase serotonin levels in the brain, and that is the feel good hormone that can help with combating depression. Considering depression and an increase in anxiety tends to be relatively common with menopause, something that can help with that should be on your list.

With this, you should not exceed more than 100mg per day of this vitamin. However, the good news is that there is some research that shows 50mg per day of Vitamin B6 may reduce the number of hot flashes, and their severity, in a day.

Vitamin B12.

vitamin b12

Vitamin B12 is rather powerful when it comes to the number of different things that it can help with regarding menopause. First, you may feel lethargic and lacking in energy, but B12 is capable of helping you overcome fatigue as well as helping protect various aspects of our body. This means your heart, your brain and even your gut which is great news considering you may have various gut issues throughout menopause. However, its main role is as one of the main vitamins for tiredness and lack of energy.

Vitamin K.

vit k

Vitamin K is often associated with leafy greens, but a number of people are unable to get an adequate amount of the vitamin on a daily basis. With the menopause, Vitamin K is going to help with blood clotting although its main advantage is in helping to preserve bone density. Issues with your bones are common after menopause as they can often become more fragile and likely to develop issues such as osteoporosis. 

To show effective it can be, Harvard Health has stated that taking the required amount of Vitamin K per day will be able to reduce your chances of a hip fracture by 50%, and that is pretty impressive. Try to take around 90mcg per day.

Vitamin C.

vitamin c

Vitamin C is an absolute must when it comes to Vitamins for menopause. Of course, it’s going to help you ward off various diseases due to the way in which it boosts your immune system, but that is not all. Instead, it is also linked to improving bone density along with being an antioxidant. 

With this, you should be trying to take in the region of 75mg per day in order to get the maximum effect.

Vitamin E.

vitamin e

Vitamin E is going to help more than just your skin during menopause. This vitamin is also linked to reducing stress and depression in women during this time, and it may also be beneficial when it comes to hot flashes. You might also want to add in that it has been shown to be effective in protecting your heart and brain. Once again, you should take this on a daily basis in order to really benefit from it. 

Vitamin D.

vitamin d

Finally, there’s Vitamin D and this is something that a number of people have a problem with when it comes to having inadequate levels. With menopause, it is related to reducing osteoporosis, and helping you to maintain bone strength. Also, it has been shown to have an impact on your mood, so it may be capable of preventing depression in some women. It will also protect your heart and reduce blood pressure, which are always a concern as those levels of estrogen drop. Vitamin D is going to be able to lower the chances of you developing a number of issues, and it will work even better when you combine it with calcium.

The vitamins we have listed above are going to undoubtedly help you when it comes to the symptoms of the menopause. We recommend that you take them on a regular basis simply because you must keep those levels high to get the maximum benefit from them. Also, don’t be afraid to use several different vitamins at the same time in order to really feel the difference that they can make to your body and mind. The only other thing to mention is that it will not make an immediate difference as it does take some time for your body to adjust to these higher levels of vitamins.



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