Improve Digestive Health in the Elderly with Top Gastroenterologists

In order to adequately improve digestive health in the elderly, it makes sense for us to look at the advice given by the experts in the field. After all, if you do not have correct digestive health, then there could be a whole host of other medical problems that could then arise.

digestive health tips

Also, by focusing on what the experts have to say, we can at least trust what they have to say rather than dealing with some series of old wives tales that may, or may not, work.

So, what is the advice that they want to give? What do they say we need to do in order to improve things in this area? How do you even deal with slow digestion?



Take Charge of Your Digestive Health.

take charge of your own digestive health

As we age, it becomes even more important for us to take charge of our digestive health. It always feels as if our body is somehow working against us and that in itself makes this a somewhat difficult task. However, all is not lost as there are various things that you will be able to do in order to not only keep your digestive health rather steady, but improve it if there are things that have gone wrong. Also, it feels very uncomfortable when food effectively settles in you stomach, so you may want to know how to digest food faster.

Don’t Eat Too Much at the One Time.

eat limited at one time

Over-indulging may feel good at the time, but it’s going to be putting your digestive system under a lot of stress. As we get older, our metabolism changes and so does the ability to digest food in the same manner.

If we eat too much at the one time, it means our digestive system can feel overwhelmed and that kind of stress is only going to increase the chances of developing indigestion and heartburn.



Don’t Drop Your Fluid Intake.

drink at regular intervals

It is vitally important not to drop your fluid intake, and we mean to make sure you drink enough plain water. Your body needs this water to carry out a number of functions, and your digestive system is right up there at the head of the queue.

If you are dehydrated, then your body has to keep those key organs going, and even though your digestive system is important, it falls behind other things. Also, if you are dehydrated, it can lead to constipation as things will be unable to move along as smoothly as they ought to.

Make Sure You Chew Properly.

chew properly while eating

Did you know that the digestion process begins in your mouth? With this, we don’t mean the chewing action to break it up into smaller pieces but rather an enzyme that appears in your saliva called amylase.

Amylase really kickstarts everything, so it makes sense for you to chew properly and often enough before you swallow as that is going to produce more of the enzyme, and you will digest things quicker. Don’t go ahead and eat too quickly as it will not give enough time for the enzyme to get to work, and your digestion will suffer as a result of it needing to work harder than it expected.



Eat Enough Fibre.

fibre for digestive system

It is essential for you to eat enough fibre as that is what will get things moving along. A lack of fibre, as you will know, is going to lead to constipation and that can be pretty painful at times. If you are male, then you need 30g per day and if you are female then it’s 21g per day.

Cut Out Processed Foods.

keep away the processed foods

Processed foods contain a number of ingredients that are designed to preserve the food and make it taste nice, but that doesn’t mean that it’s good for your digestive system.

What you need to do is to increase the level of fruit and vegetables you are eating as the minerals and vitamins are required for not only your digestive health but your health in general.

Get Enough Sleep.

sleep well for good digestion

You are probably aware that sleeping has become a bit of a problem, and that is going to then have a negative impact on your digestive health. Sleep allows your body to complete various processes, so if you are getting inadequate sleep, then it is going to cause problems.

The same goes for stress because when we are stressed, everything in our body will basically tense up. Also, the hormones released when stressed are not going to help. Stress is also a trigger for a number of digestive issues such as IBS, and that will then result in you being caught in a negative cycle of being stressed about not feeling well leading to more IBS and it starts all over again.



Consider Digestive Supplements.

digestive supplements

If you still feel as if you are struggling, then you may want to consider using digestive supplements to just give the entire process a bit of a boost. These supplements will often contain enzymes that are designed to make it a whole lot easier for your digestive system to get to work.

We end up lacking in various enzymes and vitamins as we age due to our body finding it difficult to produce what we need to the same extent. By using a quality digestive supplement, you will not only provide your body with what it needs, but you will also reduce the stress that your body is under at the same time. In other words, it is a two-pronged attack.

elderly wellbeing

As you can see, there are numerous things that we can do as of right now that will make a significant difference to your digestive health. Of course, we cannot guarantee the exact improvement it will make to you, but you will certainly do no harm to yourself by taking these tips on board and applying them to your own life.

Remember that we are all different and our digestive systems will have their own peculiarities that are unique to you. That is why you are best to try several of the ideas mentioned above and pay close attention to things and how they change to eventually work out the best routine for your own personal self.

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