Looking For Female Menopause Support?

Women approaching menopause experience many uncomfortable symptoms and it can be difficult to deal with them. There are many supplements you can use to regulate the effects of menopause. We have a powerful natural remedy that will assist in reducing your stress levels during this critical time in life. What you need is something to help bring oestrogen and progesterone levels back into alignment, and with Gold Banner Advanced Menopause Support, we can help to achieve just that!

menopause supplements

Supplements Are Essential During Menopause

When women are going through menopause, they need a lot of emotional and physical support. Not only does menopause cause hot flushes, sleep disturbances, mood swings, anxiety and night sweats, it also has a negative effect on bone density which can lead to conditions such as osteoporosis. These symptoms are emotionally and physically draining and can have a negative effect on her overall well-being and her confidence levels.  A good supplement will help to regulate body temperature as well as strengthen the bones. 

Gold Banners Advanced Menopause Support

menopause supplements

Our product is made up of all the natural products required to provide the full support and care for women during menopause. In order to fight these symptoms and assist the body in coping with the transition, you need the right supplements. The question then becomes, how do you know if the product is right for you or not? Before choosing to use a product, it is advised that you read the ingredients and find out exactly what you are putting into your body. The good news is that you can find that information right here on this page. We have nothing to hide, we are completely transparent with our ingredients and tell you exactly what you are getting for your money. 

Soy Isoflavones: This is a protein-based component that assists in replacing the lost oestrogen. It helps to restore balance in a woman’s body during menopause. Soy is a dietary supplement that has a positive effect on the endometrium. It also helps to reduce the symptoms of menopause and prevent osteoporosis. Soy isoflavones help to limit some of the damaging effects that are caused during this time. 

soy isoflavones

Black Cohosh: This herb has several medicinal purposes, it is one of the key ingredients in our product and helps to limit the negative effects of menopause. It is especially effective in treating hot flushes during the night, acne and bone related issues. 

black cohosh

Red Clover: Red clover is a plant that is used for medicinal purposes, it is used to help reduce the occurrence of hot flushes and mood swings in menopausal women. It is also good for the skin which is another area that women have to contend with during this time. Our supplements will assist women in maintaining their skins youthful appearance as they age. 

red clover

Dong Quai: Also known as the “Empress of herbs,” this ingredient is a powerful addition to our supplement. It assists in fighting symptoms such as infertility, osteoporosis and anaemia. 

dong quai

Wild Yam: Wild yam is a plant that contains a chemical called diosgenin, it is considered a powerful remedy for treating problems with oestrogen. It assists in reducing menstrual cramps and reduces the symptoms associated with menopause. 

wild yam

Natural Methods to Reduce Menopause Symptoms

As well as taking our supplements, there are several natural methods you can incorporate into your daily life to help reduce menopause symptoms:

Eat Foods Rich in Vitamin D and Calcium: As mentioned, hormonal changes cause the bones to weaken which can increase your chances of getting osteoporosis. Vitamin D and calcium support bone health and so it is essential that you add these to your diet. Foods rich in calcium include the following:

menopause diet

  • Cheese
  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Collard greens
  • Tofu
  • Sardines
  • Beans
  • Fruit juice
  • Cereals

Your most powerful source of vitamin D comes from the sun, it is produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight. However; as you age, the skin starts losing its ability to make vitamin d. Therefore, you will need to either take a vitamin D supplement or increase the amount of foods you consume containing vitamin D. These foods include the following:

  • Egg yolks
  • Beef liver
  • Soy milk
  • Cereals
  • Liver

menopause foods

Keep an Eye on Your Weight: It is normal to put on weight during menopause, this is either due to hormonal changes, genetics, aging or lifestyle changes. Putting on weight, especially in the midriff area can increase your risk of heart disease and diabetes. In addition, your weight can amplify your menopause symptoms. 

eye on weight

Avoid Trigger Foods: There are certain foods that can trigger mood swings, night sweats and hot flashes. The effects are even worse when you consume them at night. Some of these food triggers include: 

no to alcohol

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Spicy foods
  • Sugar


Keep a journal and record your symptoms, if you feel there are certain foods that make you feel bad, stop eating them. 

Regular Exercise: Exercise helps to regulate your mood, when the heart rate is increased endorphins are released into the body which make you feel good. Aim for 20 minutes of high intensity exercise per day. 

exercise during menopause

We can assure you that our product will ensure that you successfully get through this difficult stage in your life with a smile on your face and feeling more vibrant than ever. 

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