Omega 3 Fish Oil Weight Loss Secrets

Let’s be honest here, the idea of there being some weight loss secret is going to grab your attention. After all, if someone has found the solution that will lead to you being able to lose weight and do so in a safe manner, then who wouldn’t want to have those details?

omega 3

Well, allow us to let you in on a little secret, and it’s one that may very well completely change the way in which you approach your own weight loss ideas. The key here with Omega 3 fish oil weight loss, and if you thought that it was only good for helping your brain, then you have another thing coming.

Benefits of Omega 3 for Weight Loss.

benefits of omega 3

What researchers have found is that there are a number of clear benefits of Omega 3 weight loss, and it does have the potential of completely changing the way in which you approach trying to lose weight.

What Does it Do?

what does omega 3 do

One of the things that researchers have discovered is that Omega 3 may be capable of helping you to shed inches as well as dropping weight. This is important as you need both in order to become healthier, and the fact that you are able to achieve this by a healthy fat may seem to be too good to be true, but that is not the case.

It Reduces Hunger and Appetite.

omega 3 reduces hunger

Another thing that the research has shown is that Omega 3 may help to reduce hunger and appetite. Of course, if you are not feeling hungry, then you are less likely to want to snack on those bad things that help you to put on that weight.

It’s also the case that studies showed people on a higher dosage of Omega 3 would tend to feel more full for longer than most. Once again, if this is the case, then you won’t be eating too much and this can help account for your weight loss. 

It Boosts Your Metabolism.

boosts metabolism

If your metabolism is slower than normal, then you tend to put on weight. Omega 3 has been shown in trials to be effective at speeding up your metabolism, but not to an extent where it is running out of control.

A metabolism that is running smoothly and efficiently is something you need to aim for. If your metabolism is like that, then you burn more calories throughout the day, and that can be useful when trying to lose weight.

Some studies have shown that taking an adequate level of Omega 3 fish oil on a daily basis can lead to your metabolism speeding up by 14%. That is a huge difference, and it equates to an extra 200 calories per day being burned. You can only imagine how that may make a real difference to the weight you can lose over a period of time.

It May Make a Difference to Exercise.

exercise with omega 3

While it’s known that exercise makes a difference to your ability to lose weight, it is also how your body deals with the exercise that is important. This is also linked to the way in which Omega 3 boosts your metabolism. It allows for more fat to be burnt as you do your workout, and that means you should see a difference in a shorter period of time.

This is believed to be due to Omega 3 getting your body to use fat for fuel during exercise rather than it relying entirely on carbohydrates. By making a difference with your ability to lose fat while working out, you should notice those inches dropping off in next to no time.

Losing Those Inches.

omega 3 helps lose weight

We mentioned earlier on about the fact that Omega 3 can help you to lose inches, but if you are doubtful about that, then let us explain how it can do that.

Once again, this is linked to it encouraging your body to use fat for energy as that is what then leads to you losing inches in different areas of your body. It is also the case that it can help you to build muscle mass at the same time, so that is why some individuals that take Omega 3 may not lose weight, but that is why losing inches should still give you confidence in continuing with your weight loss strategy.

Knowing How Much to Take.

how much to take

Finally, you also need to be aware of how much to take in order to get the real benefits of including Omega 3 fish oil in your weight loss plan. Also, you should be aware that is will be more beneficial for you to use high quality Omega 3 due to the reduced chances of impurities being included.

What the studies have shown is that you should be taking somewhere between 300mg to 3000mg per day. This is also known to be extremely safe as long as you do not go above the 3000mg figure, and that comes from the FDA itself. However, in Europe it is recommended as being safe up to 5000mg per day. In saying that, you don’t need to go above 3000mg to go ahead and get the benefits of weight loss from Omega 3 fish oil.

The only other thing that we would recommend is to go and check with your doctor if it is safe for you to take if you are on medication that thins your blood. That is because there has been some research carried out that indicates Omega 3 may also be able to thin the blood. While this may be relatively rare, it is best to double check on this before you proceed just to avoid any potential problems. 

omega 3 intake

As you can now see, Omega 3 fish oil may very well be your friend in the fight against being able to lose weight. The key is in knowing what to expect along with understanding how to use it correctly. When you do that, and follow other classic weight loss tips, then the chances of you shedding those pounds have only gone and improved quite significantly.

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