Top 8 Tips for Adrenal Fatigue Treatment Over 40

Adrenal fatigue is horrible, and as we get older it seems that we become more at risk from developing this condition and encountering the way in which it is able to then effectively cripple us. The good news is that you do not have to go ahead and take medication or even do too much on your part in order to turn this condition around. Treatment is simple and quick to do, so why would you not even want to try it?

adrenal fatigue

Natural Treatment for Adrenal Fatigue.

What we are going to do is offer you 8 different natural treatments for adrenal fatigue that you can start to employ immediately. We will not say which one is best as we are all different, but check them out and give each one some time to become effective and see the difference it makes.

Hydrate Yourself.

hydrate yourself

Dehydration is a major contributing factor when it comes to adrenal fatigue, so it makes sense for you to drink enough water during the day to combat it. Dehydration puts stress on almost every aspect of your body, but don’t become too concerned with the idea of drinking water that is high in various minerals to restore a balance as the absolute key thing is the water itself.

Consider Taking Key Adrenal Vitamins.

vitamins to curb adrenal fatigue

You will find that there are certain key adrenal vitamins that you should be taking on a regular basis in order to counteract any feeling of fatigue. The main ones to look out for are a Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C and even Vitamin E.

In this instance, Vitamin C is involved in the production of cortisol and this is going to directly affect your adrenal glands. The B complex will provide you with some help when it comes to cell metabolism as that is where they excel. Finally, it has been shown in studies that some individuals that suffer from adrenal fatigue are low in Vitamin E. Boosting those levels will clearly then make a difference.

Do Some Gentle Exercise.

exercise to get rid of fatigue

You may wonder why you would do some exercise to combat adrenal fatigue, but the key is in what you do and how often. You must do some gentle exercise at least 5 days a week, but it can also be low-impact such as yoga or swimming. You do not have to turn into some gym freak as that will cause you more problems than it can solve. Keep it slow and gentle and you will notice a change.

Have a Better Sleep Routine.

customise your sleep routine

Nowadays, people tend to have poor sleep hygiene and that leads to us becoming over-tired which is hardly the position you want to be in. In an ideal world, you either want to have a routine where you are in bed by 10pm or, alternatively, make sure you are sleeping between 7am and 9am.

This is due to certain time periods being linked to them being healthier for your adrenal glands as your body goes through a process designed to reinvigorate your body. If you are awake during that time, then the body cannot do this and you will then become even more fatigued than ever before. This is actually perhaps the best adrenal fatigue treatment you can have.

Deal with Stress.

deal with stress

Stress is one of the major contributing factors to adrenal fatigue, so it makes sense for you to then look at identifying the stress and then trying to deal with it. Failing to do this will only allow your stress levels to continue to rise, and that puts more pressure on your body and more cortisol will be produced.

How can you possibly believe that your body is able to calm down and stop using up energy if you continue to stress about something that is immediately kickstarting all of those very same processes? It just cannot be achieved.

Use Adaptogenic Herbs.

adaptogenic herbs

Certain herbs are known to not only reduce stress but also reduce cortisol levels and help deal with fatigue. The main ones that you should be looking at using in this instance include; licorice, ashwaganda, and ginseng. Consider having them in tea if this is going to be the easiest way for you to take them as there is a wealth of literature out there that supports the theory that these herbs can indeed help when it comes to dealing with adrenal fatigue.

Have a Healthy Diet.

healthy diet for adrenal fatigue

A poor diet is another major contributing factor to adrenal fatigue, and that does mean you need to look at what you are eating and determine the areas where changes need to be made. You want to cut back on salt, sugar and processed foods. Stick with lean meat and loads of fresh fruit and vegetables.

By doing this, your body is going to receive all of the different nutrients it is looking for, and that takes some of the pressure off your body in the process. You should also cut back on the amount of caffeine that you consume on a daily basis. This alone uses up energy and your body finds it difficult to deal with too much caffeine, so cut back on the coffee and that could help you out.

Work on a Positive Mind.

work on positive mind

Being around negativity on a constant basis is not going to help you when it comes to adrenal fatigue. You need to feel more fulfilled with life, and that’s not going to happen when you spend copious hours around individuals or situations that are depressing and stressful. You need to do things that you enjoy, get out in nature and try to avoid as much chaos entering into your space. Think about what drains energy from you and make changes in your life to ensure that this no longer becomes a continual problem.

Adrenal fatigue treatment is a whole lot easier than you think, and it often involves only some simple alterations for there to be a significant difference. However, you need to take action as it won’t happen on its own but by identifying this as a potential problem to begin with, it does mean you are more likely to successfully overcome this adrenal fatigue problem.

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